Tripura Industrial Development Corporation Limited - Implementation of Business Reform Action Points including Single Window Clearance System under Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) in Tripura
We have recently concluded working with the Govt. of Tripura to create a web-based portal, Single Window Clearance System to provide investors and enterprises with a one stop solution for information regarding Investment and business in the state. This application is focused on enabling ease of doing business through single window system in the State of Tripura.
Urban Development and Housing Department, Govt. of Bihar - Consultancy for Operation and Maintenance of Centralized Grievance Redressal Cell cum MIS Cell
UDHD monitors the grievances raised by the urban citizens via Grievance Management Application and Centralized Grievance Redressal Cell. However, the application needed enhancement along with the setting up of MIS cell, including 10 MIS Call Centre executives and 4 Experts to improve the efficiency of service delivery and grievance resolution. We have undertaken multiple tasks, including providing training to the officials and ULBs for the application; setting up of 10-seater call centre for addressing the grievances of urban citizens; and providing a centralized contact centre for all queries and information related to services and schemes of UDHD.
Directorate of Social Security, Govt. of Bihar - Support Social Security Management Project under Directorate of Social Security for the Implementation of SSPMIS, DBT Cell and Call Centre
We are currently engaged by the Directorate of Social Security, Government of Bihar where we have deployed skilled manpower to carry out multiple activities, including call center operators/executives and setting up a centralized call center to handle all the grievances and feedback. Work includes implementation of Social Security Pension Scheme MIS all over Bihar; implementation of E-Suvidha web portal, design and development of software/portals/Mobile Apps; design and development of a comprehensive framework for Social Security Pension Schemes monitoring; and implementation of Grievance Redressal Mechanism and call center operations.
IDH-The Sustainable Trade Initiative - Software Application Development Services Towards Setting up Digital Traceability System for trustea
IDH had engaged us as the trusted implementation partner to design and develop the digital traceability system, Tracetea, which enables documentation, tracing, tracking, and monitoring of the entire chain of custody, from tea being planted till it exits the factory gate. We have successfully developed and implemented the application and have assisted IDH and Trustea in conducting the roll-out of the application in 6 pilot entities - 3 in the North East of India and 3 in South India. Satisfied with our output and involvement in the project, IDH has decided to engage us as the implementation partner of the pan-India roll-out as well.
Directorate of Social Security, Govt. of Bihar - Implementation of multiple schemes and development of web portals and mobile applications
Deployed skilled manpower to carry out multiple activities, including call center operators/ executives and setting up a centralized call center to handle all the grievances and feedback.
MMTC Limited - E-custodian Software for Logistics management
E-custodian Software (Logistics management). Tracking Export/Import Parcels; Bar-Code/RFID tagging with parcels; Manage Pricing, Vendor Management; Audit trail; MIS Reporting. Annual Performance Appraisal System (e-APAR). Online generation of ePAR; Delegation and workflow management; Search and Retrieval; Customizable Reports and dashboards.
J&K Small Scale Industries Development Corporation Limited (SICOP) - Single Window Clearance System as per EoDB Reforms
One stop solution for information regarding Investment and business in the state.
Online registration of user for new business set up using Common Application Form (CAF); online approval on the basis of Investor profile and CAF; automated alerts/acknowledgement via email/SMS.
IDH-The Sustainable Trade Initiative - Trustea
Design and development of digital traceability platform for end-to-end supply chain management of tea manufacturing.
System allows organization to document and/or locate a product through the stages and operations involved in the manufacturing, processing, distribution and handling of feed and food, from primary production to consumption.
Urban Development and Housing Department, Govt. of Bihar
Onsite deployment of 14 key experts for development / enhancement related activities. Replication of the Grievance Management Application on mobile. Training of the officials and ULBs for the application.
Setting up of 10-seater call center for addressing the grievances of urban citizens and infrastructure deployment of the call centre setup.
Hutchison Ajman International Terminals Limited (HAJT)
Content Management System (CMS) based website to have new, advanced and interactive design to showcase information about HAJT business, products, and services.
Modules includes Vessel Berthing System, Container Tracking System, Gate Pass Management System, Job Application System, Form Download, E-invoicing.
Ranchi Municipal Corporation
Design and Development web and mobile app for monitoring of Garbage Collection or cleaning of roads covered under RMC.
System tracks the vehicles and all the issues related to its maintenance. It captures complaint and grievances of the citizens related to solid waste and sanitation.
Online attendance of the employees through biometric device.
Amritsar MSW Pvt. Ltd.
Online Monitoring System to improve their existing waste management system including effective monitoring of Transit System (TTS) and Online Attendance of personnel engaged in assignments. Monitored Garbage Collection or cleaning of roads covered under AMC through Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System.
Spot Billing System by integrating consumer details like name, household number, etc. for the purpose of generating monthly garbage bill.
Urban Development and Housing Department, Govt. of Bihar-SLTC
Established the State Level Technical Cell (SLTC) and City Level Technical Cell (CLTC) headquartered in Patna for the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY), Housing for all projects. Deployed 219 technical resources in 140 Urban Local Bodies.
Monitoring of utilization of funds by the Govt. and act as the facilitator to establish link between the bank and the beneficiaries.
Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayat Project (World Bank)
Funded by World Bank to enhance, maintain and manage the transaction happening at the Gram Panchayat level. Deployed eight (8) technical resources involved in providing maintenance and application support. Generating reports based on user requirements. Maintaining both intranet and internet applications including database(s).
Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayat Project- GPMS
Standardize the accounting system of the PRIs and to make account keeping easy, transparent, and comfortable to the users.
Deployed 12 technical resources to help in migrating the existing GPMS application from stand-alone mode to web based online application. Database design conversion from individual GP wise databases to a single centralized one. Training and knowledge transfer to the client personnel for maintenance of application.
Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayat Project- Training MIS
Redesigned and re-built the application following standard practices and new technology. Deployed eight (8) experts, including 1 Project Manager, 1 Solution Architect, 1 Software Engineering and Design Specialist, 1 Software Developer, 1 UX Developer, 1 Infrastructure Expert, 2 Testers. Token based authentication mechanism.
Office of Deputy Commissioner Chatra
Development of web based and Mobile application for scheme monitoring system. e-Dispatch system to incorporate the modules like letter dispatch automation and Meeting management. Electronic registers for all incoming and outgoing letters/Files. Notifications and alerts on registered phone to act as reminders. Dashboard - Summarized view of letters i.e. Total letters dispatch, total letter received per department.